Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sight seeing and back home

Our last day was a day of sight-seeing. shopping.  What a beautiful country Honduras is with the majestic mountains and green foliage everywhere.  A time to truly appreciate God's creation and to learn more about the history and culture there.  We also had breakfast at a restaurant that had a little zoo in the back.  The kids enjoyed talking with the colorful birds there as they mocked what they said.  I also had the opportunity to give Jorge Pinto some supplies for Project Manuelito from the Life in Christ Fellowship Church.  A blessing! 
We appreciated your continued prayers as Rebecca was ill on Sunday night through Monday.  She was beginning to feel better as Monday went on.  God continued to have His hand on each of us as we left from Tegucigalpa relatively healthy.
God was at work as we had the opportunity throughout this trip to be SALT and LIGHT in the name of Jesus if even for a short time with each acquintenance.  The acceptance of the people there and the demeanor of the students provided joy in each encounter.  May we apply this joy in our daily lives and routines in our own communities. 
Please pray as we all reflect on what God desires from us as a result of this experience.  What are some next steps in our journey of faith?  Pray for each one to be obedient to what the Lord desires for His plan of for each of us.  And be in prayer for Larry and Angie Overholt, and the other missionaries and nationals there during this time of transition with handing over some leadership roles to the nationals and as Larry and Angie prepare for going home for a short time for health reasons.  God is faithful and may we all be faithful to His will.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hola from Honduras!!

Me llamo Taylar, Brittany, y Erica...Spanish is a work in progress. We are a little slap happy the night before we head to Teguc and we decided to fill you all in on the juicy details that Deb decided to leave here goes nothing!

Quotes/Facts from our Honduras adventure...

1. Geoff has a severe perspiration problemo. Like seriously needs to see a doctor. For proof check out the picture in the last blog posted.

2. Moving on. Don't let Landon size fool ya, he is much funnier than you may think. However, his minion Geo (AKA Geoff) is rubbing off on him. Not good. 

3. "Stop. You're annoying" - Brittany Workman every two seconds to Geoff Bowman

4. "Just call it Kentucky. He'll know what that means." - The first words that Larry ever spoke to us.

5. "Tu molestas" - The ONLY Spanish words that Geoff knows. It means you're annoying...go figure.

6. Linda. Enough said.  Hilarious. period.  As she she flails Yucca in the air, "I'm going to thinking about you as I walk 3 miles on the treadmill tomorrow!"  We love her!
7. Debra = little Debbie or also pequeno Debbie. AKA best roomie ever!

8. Some interesting sights at the beach.  A great time had by all!

9. We are literally celebrities here in Honduras. EVERY single person stares at us gringas...that's the affectionate term for Americans.

10. Crap...literally. - Anonymous

11. BOOM. "There goes another mongo." - Linda
       Brittany, Taylar, y Erica "So when you say mongo do you really mean MANgo?"

12. "I looked in the toilet and saw a couple turds" - Deb way to rat us out.

13. "Lets go" - Landon

14. "That boys got a wingspan of 7 feet" - Taylar

15. The animals down here are NOT fixed...enough said.

16.  A few nights of music, one in particular with the Cha-Cha band.  Deb was able to learn a few dance
      moves from Brittany and Taylar!  Unforgettable!!!

17.  THANKS Angie and Larry Overholt, and Mark and Melanie Miller for everything!!!!  And Tim Spetnegal for the ride from Tegucigalpa

Well it's time to hit the hay.


P.S. Shout out to the Pattie/Pattys - AKA Brittany and Taylar's Moms. Also shout out to Kim - AKA Erica's mama! AND Happy birthday Nel nel :)

Love you all!

Meet the cooks.....

We wanted to thank the wonderful cooks for our meals and the ease that they provided for Larry and Angie to keep us sustained.

A day of worship, preparing medications, and good-byes

Today was a busy day as we had church services in the morning and evening as well as spent a few hours preparing medications for the Pharmacy Team that will be coming next week from Cedarville University. 
The most difficult part was saying good-bye to the precious people we met the past week.  We are thankful our paths crossed and are blessed by the opportunity that the Lord opened up for us.  And as we prepare to leave for Tegucigalpa in the morning, I think of Paul as he spoke to the Corinthian Church and how he was thankful for them, and we will be praying for the wonderful Honduran people we met along the way.  1 Corinthians 1:3  "May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you his grace and peace."  That is our prayer. 

Here are just a few pictures of the happenings

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A day at the coast, Kid's club

Another rainy day as we headed to the beach.  But that did not detour our efforts for a great time.  Even with the rain, the water was warm and by mid-day, the clouds were beginning to fade some, and we could see the mountains of Nicaragua to the left, and El Salvador to the right.  We also had fish and shrimp.  Very good!  The Hondurans eat the WHOLE fish, including the eyeball, so Geoff took liberty to do so as well to experience the culture fully!  Three or four of the girls decided they would play it safe and not try any of it...they packed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  :)

In the evening, we were able to participate in the Kids Club at church and interact with the kids through games.  A fun time had by all!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Special Prayer Requests

Please remember to continue to pray for all of us as we continue to soak in the culture and process what has been seen here in Honduras.  Special prayer requests for Heather and Brittany as they have been a bit under the weather with sinus and stomach issues.  They are doing better this evening, but continue to lift them up and that the Lord will allow them to rest and strengthen them.
Pray as we continue this weekend with more sight seeing and cultural experiences, that the Lord will show us ways in every encounter to show the love, grace, and peace of His divine character.  Landon requested that we finish "strong" on this trip.
God is a God of provision and we trust fully in Him.
God's grace to each of you as well.

Friday, May 18 Clinic and hospital experience rotations; Regional Director for Choluteca Tuberculosis Detection; Nursing Home visit

Once again, we headed out in the morning after stocking the wound care container for the hospital, and gathering glucose monitors and blood pressure cuffs for the clinics.  It was yet another day for them to see and hear as they see the health needs in Choluteca, and experience the culture in many ways.  As Landon put it after going to the hospital for wound care, "it is something that I had only seen in books" referring to some of the diabetic ulcers that needed treatment.  The doctor at one of the clinics shared that "one out of every three Hondurans have diabetes."  And as we witnessed with follow up patients there, many had blood sugars that were out of control from poor diet or medication control.  A huge problem with the bread and sugary drinks that are consumed.  Another clinic rotation was a patient who still had not shared about his diagnois
In the afternoon, we spent time with the Regional Director for Tuberculosis (TB) Detection.  She has been recognized for the part she has in developing a strategic plan for the department of Choluteca.  The Health Department continues to work on how to treat, control, and prevent this disease that is prevalent here.  The Choluteca Department is in the top 5 departments for TB diagnosis.  Some of the difficulty is patients developing resistance to first line drugs requiring other treatment that is much more costly.  Seventy new cases of TB have been diagnosed in this year alone to this date. 
Then it was off to visit the dear patients at the local nursing home run by the Catholic Church.  A blessing to see their faces light up with visitors there to spend some time with them. 

It is raining...cats and dogs....lions and bears, more like!  When it rains here, it absolutely pours!!!!!  And with some of the road conditions after such a rain, stops many events from happening due to difficult travel.