Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hola from Honduras!!

Me llamo Taylar, Brittany, y Erica...Spanish is a work in progress. We are a little slap happy the night before we head to Teguc and we decided to fill you all in on the juicy details that Deb decided to leave here goes nothing!

Quotes/Facts from our Honduras adventure...

1. Geoff has a severe perspiration problemo. Like seriously needs to see a doctor. For proof check out the picture in the last blog posted.

2. Moving on. Don't let Landon size fool ya, he is much funnier than you may think. However, his minion Geo (AKA Geoff) is rubbing off on him. Not good. 

3. "Stop. You're annoying" - Brittany Workman every two seconds to Geoff Bowman

4. "Just call it Kentucky. He'll know what that means." - The first words that Larry ever spoke to us.

5. "Tu molestas" - The ONLY Spanish words that Geoff knows. It means you're annoying...go figure.

6. Linda. Enough said.  Hilarious. period.  As she she flails Yucca in the air, "I'm going to thinking about you as I walk 3 miles on the treadmill tomorrow!"  We love her!
7. Debra = little Debbie or also pequeno Debbie. AKA best roomie ever!

8. Some interesting sights at the beach.  A great time had by all!

9. We are literally celebrities here in Honduras. EVERY single person stares at us gringas...that's the affectionate term for Americans.

10. Crap...literally. - Anonymous

11. BOOM. "There goes another mongo." - Linda
       Brittany, Taylar, y Erica "So when you say mongo do you really mean MANgo?"

12. "I looked in the toilet and saw a couple turds" - Deb way to rat us out.

13. "Lets go" - Landon

14. "That boys got a wingspan of 7 feet" - Taylar

15. The animals down here are NOT fixed...enough said.

16.  A few nights of music, one in particular with the Cha-Cha band.  Deb was able to learn a few dance
      moves from Brittany and Taylar!  Unforgettable!!!

17.  THANKS Angie and Larry Overholt, and Mark and Melanie Miller for everything!!!!  And Tim Spetnegal for the ride from Tegucigalpa

Well it's time to hit the hay.


P.S. Shout out to the Pattie/Pattys - AKA Brittany and Taylar's Moms. Also shout out to Kim - AKA Erica's mama! AND Happy birthday Nel nel :)

Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. You girls are NUTS. I hope you all are having a great time and safe travels home! Remember all the fun stories so I can hear all about them!

    Kenya team says hi!
