Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday, May 18 Clinic and hospital experience rotations; Regional Director for Choluteca Tuberculosis Detection; Nursing Home visit

Once again, we headed out in the morning after stocking the wound care container for the hospital, and gathering glucose monitors and blood pressure cuffs for the clinics.  It was yet another day for them to see and hear as they see the health needs in Choluteca, and experience the culture in many ways.  As Landon put it after going to the hospital for wound care, "it is something that I had only seen in books" referring to some of the diabetic ulcers that needed treatment.  The doctor at one of the clinics shared that "one out of every three Hondurans have diabetes."  And as we witnessed with follow up patients there, many had blood sugars that were out of control from poor diet or medication control.  A huge problem with the bread and sugary drinks that are consumed.  Another clinic rotation was a patient who still had not shared about his diagnois
In the afternoon, we spent time with the Regional Director for Tuberculosis (TB) Detection.  She has been recognized for the part she has in developing a strategic plan for the department of Choluteca.  The Health Department continues to work on how to treat, control, and prevent this disease that is prevalent here.  The Choluteca Department is in the top 5 departments for TB diagnosis.  Some of the difficulty is patients developing resistance to first line drugs requiring other treatment that is much more costly.  Seventy new cases of TB have been diagnosed in this year alone to this date. 
Then it was off to visit the dear patients at the local nursing home run by the Catholic Church.  A blessing to see their faces light up with visitors there to spend some time with them. 

It is raining...cats and dogs....lions and bears, more like!  When it rains here, it absolutely pours!!!!!  And with some of the road conditions after such a rain, stops many events from happening due to difficult travel.

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